I started out as an investigative journalist, acquiring 3 diplomas for completing communication studies. 9 years ago, I became obsessed with biology and life-optimization studies.

I applied the approach of investigative journalism to this field as well, especially, because there is a fascinating amount of misinformation online.

My focus is always on building an efficient and results-driven relationship. I’ll work with you to create a customized plan of action for yourself or your organization. Get in touch to learn more about my vision and consulting approach







  • Personal Introduction
  • Q & A
  • Scheduling


  • Exercises / sets / reps
  • Physique goals
  • Athleticism goals 


  • Assessment of lifestyle
  • Customizing longevity strategies based on schedule
  • Determination of physique goals
  • Evaluation of physical abilities
  • Fitness program
  • Evaluation of eating habits, food allergies, preferences
  • Nutrition plan
  • Supplementation regimen
  • Neuroscience strategies to optimize performance
  • Tools of psychology and social dynamics
  • Healthcare plans vs. medical history
  • Tools of purpose & true calling


  • Finetuning / Course correction
  • Info session / Q & A
  • Personal Training / Form correction


  • Bloodwork assessment
  • Supplementation regimen
  • Performance goals 


  • The full protocol is a prerequisite
  • Progress update
  • Finetuning / Course correction
  • Info session / Q & A
  • Personal Training / Form correction



Our cultural heritage teaches us, that death is a natural part of life. We should accept it not fight it. This notion is about to change because medicine is going through a paradigm shift. In the last few years, scientists have been able to double the life expectancy of laboratory mice. Death is not simply the end of a natural cycle. it’s a disease. And we could eventually cure it.

The speed of aging is just as much a matter of the mind, as it is the matter of the body.

On one side, you have epigenetic data loss, the shortening of telomeres, oxidative stress, or the build-up of dysfunctional cells.

But on the other side, there’s information overflow, uncontrolled emotions, fragmented memories, and undefined purpose.

Of course, I am not suggesting, that we should disregard everything that ancient knowledge has to offer us. I am simply stating that every idea is a product of the available knowledge of its age. So far no one has escaped mortality. Therefore, we looked at death as a naturally occurring phenomenon.

We discovered, that aging is a complex disease caused by various mechanisms. If aging is a disease, then it means it is curable.

Hormesis // BODY

While the mind needs a purpose, the body needs stress, also known as; hormesis. Vaccines, weight training, and mastering skills all have “antifragile” characteristics. Nassim Taleb, a well-known economist popularized this term, which shines a different light on the disorder in the world. In Taleb's world view chaos is the nurturing soil of strength.

This works on every level of reality from thoughts to molecules.

The key the achieving true, “unclouded” happiness, is the principle of delayed gratification according to Seneca. We have to endure pain in the now, so we can harvest the fruits of our patience in the future. “We have to suffer for beauty”; or for health, wealth, and happiness...

You can look at hormesis as the delayed gratification principle manifested in the physical world. An impact that is unpleasant at the moment, but will spur the body to “buckle up”, to build up its defenses against the harsh environment, which in return will make the organism live longer. Hormesis is the mayday signal of the body, which is inactive in a state of comfort. It teaches the observer, that everything that makes the body comfortable is detrimental to its long-term survival.

Unlocking Purpose // MIND

Aging is reducing our freedom to do certain things physically as well as mentally. Wealth is enhancing that freedom, opening up the doors. The freedom we acquire should be still used for a purpose, which is greater than freedom itself….

Having “making money” as a purpose is short-lived. This goal quickly loses its power compared to more majestic purposes. Like changing a paradigm, and having a positive impact on society.

Ask yourself, why do I want to live longer?

What kind of impact do I want to make on this earth?

What is my legacy?

Acquiring wealth is a tool for being able to make things happen, that we were not able to make happen before… but can’t fill the role of a true calling.

Longevity is more than vanity, it is a philosophy.

Everything that makes us productive, balanced, and happy is strongly correlated with all the aspects that make us live a longer and healthier life.

Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me via email with any questions you may have.